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How To Turn On Profile Views On TikTok

Your Quick Answer:

» You can activate ‘Profile View’ on TikTok by navigating to your ‘Profile Page,’ tapping the “Eye” icon on the top right, and selecting “Turn on Profile View” in the red box.
» Try using this feature cautiously, as only users who have also enabled ‘Profile View’ will appear in the list of those who viewed your profile; ensure both parties have this feature activated.
» If you don’t see certain usernames in the list, make sure they have turned on the ‘Profile View’ feature on their accounts to be included in the viewers’ list.

Can You See Who Viewed Your TikTok Profile:

Somewhat yes, you can say. 

The setting is you have to enable a feature called “Profile View” and the condition is, that the other person who is viewing your profile should also have to enable the same settings on his account. 

In short, if on both sides “Profile View” is ON, then you will see the list of people who viewed your profile.

Remember, only those TikTok users’ names will appear on the list, who have kept “Profile View” enabled on their account, otherwise, even though you have enabled it, you won’t be able to see those users’ names. 

Also, do not forget, the same goes for the other side as well. This means, that if you have visited and viewed some other user’s profile on TikTok, then, they will also come to know since on your account “profile view” is ON. 

How to Turn On Profile Views on TikTok:

Here are the steps to turn “ON” Profile Views on TikTok:

Step 1: Open & Tap TikTok profile icon

To start with, on your mobile device, open the TikTok app and log in. 

Next, after logging in, go to the “Profile Page”.

You will find the option to go to the Profile page in the bottom right corner of the first screen. A ‘head-shoulder men’ icon will be there, click on it and you will reach your TikTok profile page.


Step 2: Tap on the ‘eye’ icon  

Next, on the profile page, roll your eyes to the top column of the screen. Over there, slightly towards the right, you will see an “eye” shape-like icon. It is called as “Eye” icon.

This “eye” icon is in the section for the “Profile View” settings. There you can enable and disable the “profile view” option whenever you want to. 

Now, let us see how to enable it. so, go to the “Eye” icon, and click on it.


Step 3: Tap on ‘TURN ON’ to enable it

On the “Profile View” tab, come to the bottom. In the red box, you will get the option to “TURN ON” the profile view.

To enable it, click on it and it will be ON. 

From now you can check the list of users who viewed your profile in the last 30 days. You will also get the option to ‘FOLLOW’ that user if you want to. 

Turn on enable

Note That:

  1. Only those users will appear on the list, who have also enabled the “Profile View” feature on their account, otherwise, even though they have viewed your profile, but won’t be able to know them.
  2. Since you have turned ON this feature, your name will also appear on other users ‘profile view’ list, when you will visit their profiles.

How to Check Who Viewed Your TikTok Profile?

Follow the following mentioned steps to check who viewed your TikTok profile:

Step 1: Open TikTok App

To check the list, first of all, on your mobile device. Open the TikTok app and log in to it. After logging in, the first page, that is, videos will come on the screen. 

And on the bottom of the same page, you will notice different options, such as home, search, notification box, and profile. Come to those options. 

Tiktok app

Step 2: Tap on the ‘Notifications’ icon

From the list of options on the bottom, select “Notification”, which is second from the right, next to the “+” icon.  Click on it and open it.

This is the “Notification” tab. Over there, you will find all the activity, likes, live sessions, followers following notifications, etc. 

And on the top of all, you will get a column, stating > “and many others checked your profile”. Click on it and a list full of the usernames who have viewed your profile will appear on the screen. 

Notifications icon

Step 3: You will see profile Viewers

In the list are the users who have viewed your TikTok profile in the last 30 days. Scroll down and you will get all the names, actually usernames.  Along with the username, some information like the followers count, profile picture, and the number of posts of the users will also appear below their username. 

This is how you can easily check the on the users who viewed your TikTok profile.

profile Viewers

Will you See all people who viewed your TikTok Profile:

No, not all people. You will be able to see only those users who have enabled the “Profile View” feature on their TikTok account, just like you. In short, except for the people who have not turned ON this feature, all will appear on the viewer’s list, and the ones who kept the feature OFF, even though they have visited and have viewed your TikTok profile, won’t appear on the list. 

The same goes for you. If you visit someone’s profile, keeping “profile view” ON, your name will also appear on their viewer’s list. So, whenever you go for viewing some other user’s profile, make sure you have turned OFF the profile view feature on our account.

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Pranab Sen is founder and author of Techniquehow.com. He is a full-time blogger, everything that gets published is from Pranab's hand. He likes to be a 'social media geek' since 2011 to understand the problems of readers more deeply and giving the solution through his writing.

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