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How To Find Someone’s Phone Number From Twitter

✎ Key Takes:

» Discover someone’s phone number on Twitter by examining their profile bio for potential contact information.
» You can use the pinned comments section or check linked social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, as users may share their phone numbers in these locations.

Can You See Phone Number Of Twitter User?

If you have any concerns about whether you can see the phone number of a Twitter user, let’s clear that up!

This means that Twitter has taken measures to prioritize user privacy. By default, they do not display the phone number of a user publicly on their profile.

So you can rest assured that personal phone numbers are not readily visible to other users.

If you notice a situation where someone’s phone number is being shared or displayed without their consent, the best course of action is to report it to Twitter.

How To Find Someone’s Phone Number From Twitter:

You have the following methods to try with:

1. Find on Twitter Bio

When you want to find the phone number of a Twitter user, you need to check the Twitter profile of the person to see if the user has his phone number in the profile bio or not. Profile bio is located just below the username of the account.

Find on Twitter Bio for Phone Number

The profile bio section mainly contains the details about the user which the user composes himself or herself so that followers and the audience of the profile can get to know more about the user’s section of the Twitter profile, sometimes, users attach their email addresses and phone numbers so that when others need to contact them, they’ll be able to easily find the details.

2. Check his Posts

When you find or see the user’s phone number in the profile bio of his Twitter account, you need to check his Twitter posts. Especially when the account is a professional profile or is related to certain kinds of business, the post will have phone numbers attached to it in the caption so that the audience who’ll see and find interest in the post can contact the owner for business purposes.

Check his Posts if revealed there

Sometimes when the caption gets too long, the owner doesn’t have enough word count left to add the phone number in the caption so they put it in a comment, which is why check the first pinned comment of the posts too to see if you can find the phone number or not.

3. Linked Social Media and Find

You can also check the user’s other social media-linked accounts to find if the phone number is linked to them or not. Twitter lets you connect your account with Facebook and Instagram too.

Therefore, check if the user’s Facebook or Instagram account is linked to his Twitter profile or not. If you find any linked social media profile, you’ll need to visit it and check the contact information of the profile to find the user’s phone number from there.


You may even find a LinkedIn profile link if the user connects his LinkedIn account with his Twitter. In that case, you’ll need to visit the user’s LinkedIn to find the contact information.

You can also manually search for his Facebook profile on the Facebook platform and then check the About information to get the phone number. Even, check his Instagram profile’s bio to find the phone number on your own.

4. Find Whois Info

If the phone number is not directly provided in the bio, then it might be provided on the company’s website. Therefore, after getting into the Twitter profile, you’ll need to check the bio section to find the link to the user’s website. You need to click on the link to visit it.

See website

It will take you to the website of the company or the page whose phone number you want. You need to go through the page to find its details and information properly.

Click on search

Check where the professional information and contact details are provided and there you’ll find the phone number and email too. You need to note down or copy the phone number so that you can later contact the user.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How do I find my friends’ phone numbers on Twitter?

You need to search for the friend’s profile on Twitter and enter the profile page. Check the bio section of the profile and see if the email and phone number are provided in the bio section of the profile or not. If you can’t find it in the bio, you can simply ask your friends via Twitter DM.

2. Can I Find someone on Twitter by a picture?

Yes, you can find someone’s identity by searching the user by his or her image. You need to save the image and then open a reverse image lookup tool. Upload the image of the user and then the tool will provide you with the user’s identity details. From the results, you’ll be able to find the user’s name, phone number, location, email, etc.

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Pranab Sen is founder and author of Techniquehow.com. He is a full-time blogger, everything that gets published is from Pranab's hand. He likes to be a 'social media geek' since 2011 to understand the problems of readers more deeply and giving the solution through his writing.

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