Home » Facebook » How To See Someone’s Hidden Photos On Facebook

How To See Someone’s Hidden Photos On Facebook

✎ Key Points:

» You can find hidden photos on Facebook by identifying mutual friends, accessing their profiles, and viewing photos not visible on your account. Simply go to the user’s profile, find mutual friends, approach them, and use their accounts to access the hidden pictures.
» There are social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to search for the user’s profiles, where you may find photos not shared on Facebook. Explore Instagram’s tagged section and highlight stories to unveil additional hidden photos.

How To See Someone’s Hidden Photos On Facebook:

You can try the following methods to see someone’s hidden photos on Facebook:

1. From a Mutual Friend’s Profile

Another clever way is to check the hidden photos from the mutual friend’s profile. First, you need to know who are the mutual friends that you have with a particular user so that you can approach a few of them to see the hidden photos. Go to the user’s profile and then you’ll be able to see the mutual friends displayed under the Friends section.

From Mutual Friend's Profile

Click on See all friends to see the whole list of mutual friends. Then you can approach one or a few of the mutual friends and ask for their devices. From the mutual friend’s account, go to the user’s profile page to see the hidden photos that are not available to see from your account. 

2. From Other Social Media

You can also search for the other social media profiles of the user to see his hidden photos. There is a pretty good chance that on his other social media profiles you’ll be able to see some of his pictures that aren’t on his Facebook profile.

Therefore, you need to search for him on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn and then go through his profile post to see his uploaded pictures.

From Other Social Media of The Use

You can go to his Instagram tagged section to see the tagged photos on his Instagram profile which are also considered as some of the hidden photos too.

Check his previous stories from his Instagram profile highlights to see the pictures that he has uploaded on his stories too.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How to See Friends’ Hidden Posts on Facebook Timeline?

To see the hidden tagged photos on the Facebook timeline you’ll need to first make sure that the user is on your friend list. If not then send a friend request to the user and once he accepts your friend request, you need to go to the Photos Of You section on the user’s profile to check the tagged photos of the user. These photos are from the posts in which the user is tagged and they’re not directly uploaded by the user. 

2. Why is My Post Hidden on Facebook?

If your posts are hidden on Facebook there is a good chance that Facebook has taken them down due to violation of terms and conditions. If your posts have sensitive or inappropriate content or pictures that violate the policies of Facebook, Facebook will hide it from your timeline and it won’t appear in any others’ news feeds either. 

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Pranab Sen is founder and author of Techniquehow.com. He is a full-time blogger, everything that gets published is from Pranab's hand. He likes to be a 'social media geek' since 2011 to understand the problems of readers more deeply and giving the solution through his writing.

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