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What Does Status Mean On Snapchat

Your Quick Answer:

» You can set your status on Snapchat using the Snap Map, allowing friends to see your location and engagement status.
» You can try using a Bitmoji to represent your current status when setting it on the Snap Map for better personalization.

What Does Status Mean On Snapchat:

When you open the Snapchat app, you’ll see different icons next to your friends’ names, which means their current status or activity on the app.

This means you need to pay attention to these icons to understand what your friends are up to. For example, a yellow heart indicates that you and your friend are each other’s best friends on Snapchat.

If you notice a gray arrow next to someone’s name, it means they have sent you a Snap, but you haven’t opened it yet. Simply tap on their name to view the Snap and keep the conversation going.

Also, the status on Snapchat can change frequently based on your friends’ activity. So, don’t worry if you see different icons popping up from time to time.

How To Change Status On Snapchat:

You can use the following steps to change your status on Snapchat:

Step 1: First of all, open the Snapchat app on your device.

Step 2: Then, just navigate to the Snap Map page by pinching your fingers together on the camera screen.

Step 3: After that, tap on the Status button located at the bottom left corner of the screen.

Step 4: Finally, select a custom Bitmoji to represent your status, set your desired location, and your new status will be updated on Snapchat.

Where is the Status button on Snapchat:

When updating your status on Snapchat you’ll be able to find the status button straight at the lower left side of your screen. That’s the status switch that you need to tap on to select the activity you’re doing to put that on your status update. 

Its status button works differently to let the user choose the activity he or she’s engaged in and then allow people to know about it from his or her status. 

Now if you’re unable to find the status button, you must look for it by following the guide.

◘ After you open the Snapchat application, on the camera screen you’ll find the Snap Map button at the extreme lower-left corner of the screen. Tap on the option.

◘ Now that you’re in your snap map, you’ll be able to see your location on it. 

Note: To let Snap Maps update your location, you need to keep your mobile GPS on this whole time. 

◘ In the lower-left corner, you’ll find the status button named My Bitmoji. Click on it to update your activity on the snap map. 

Hence, after choosing the activity you’ll be able to let people know about your new status.

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Pranab Sen is founder and author of Techniquehow.com. He is a full-time blogger, everything that gets published is from Pranab's hand. He likes to be a 'social media geek' since 2011 to understand the problems of readers more deeply and giving the solution through his writing.

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