Home » Goodreads » How To Find People On Goodreads

How To Find People On Goodreads

By Pranab Sen

✎ Key Takes:

» To search for someone on Goodreads, you can try finding the Goodreads username on Google search and find any profiles if there.
» You can also find the Goodreads user by directly searching on the Goodreads website with the name or username.

How To Find People On Goodreads:

You can try the following methods below to find someone on Goodreads:

1. Goodreads Manual Search

You can use the Goodreads search to find someone on Goodreads easily.

This allows you to search for users and access their profiles. It’s a way to connect with friends and discover new reading recommendations.

🔴 Steps to Follow:

Step 1: First, go to the Goodreads website at www.goodreads.com.

Step 2: Then, find the search bar at the top of the page and enter the name or username of the person you want to find.


If you don’t have an account, you can create one easily by clicking on “Join Goodreads” and following the instructions.

Step 3: Now, you will see a list of search results matching the name or username you entered. Look for the specific person you’re searching for and click on their profile.

You will be redirected to their profile page, where you can view their bio, books they have read, reviews they have written, and their bookshelves.

You can also send them friend requests or follow them to stay updated with their reading activities.

2. On Goodreads App

You can use the Goodreads Mobile App to find someone on Goodreads right from your smartphone.

🔴 Steps to Follow:

Step 1: First, open the Goodreads Mobile App on your smartphone. You can download it for free from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android).

Step 2: After that, enter your Goodreads account credentials to log in. If you don’t have an account, you can create one easily within the app.

Goodreads Mobile App

Step 3: Now, click on the search icon to find at the bottom of the app.

Step 4: You can enter the name or username of the person you want to find in the search bar. The app will display a list of search results matching your query.

Here, you can select the desired profile from the search results to view the person’s bio, reviews, and other details. You can also send friend requests or follow them directly from the app.

3. Using Google Search

You can try using a Google search to find someone on Goodreads.

🔴 Steps to Follow:

Step 1: First, open your preferred web browser and go to www.google.com.

Step 2: Here, enter the name of the person you want to find on Goodreads.

Example: If you’re looking for John Doe, you would type “John Doe Goodreads”.

Step 3: Next, press Enter or click on the search button to perform the search.

Now, check the search results and look for the specific person’s Goodreads profile link. You may find their Goodreads profile, reviews, or other relevant information in the search results.

Now, click on the link to access their Goodreads profile and learn more about this.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How do I add friends on Goodreads by username?

Once you’re logged into your Goodreads account, go to the search bar at the top of the page. Type in the username of the person you want to add as a friend and hit enter. On the search results page, you should see their profile.

Now, click on it, and on their profile page, you’ll find an “Add as a Friend” button.

Your friend request will be sent, and if they accept it, you’ll be connected as friends on Goodreads.

2. Can you meet people on Goodreads?

You can join groups based on your favorite genres or interests, participate in discussions, leave comments on reviews, and even attend virtual book events and author Q&A sessions.

3. Are Goodreads profiles public?

Yes, by default, Goodreads profiles are public. When you create a Goodreads account, your profile and activities, such as your bookshelves, reviews, and reading history, are visible to other users on the platform. However, you have control over the privacy settings of specific elements of your profile.

4. How do you find an author on Goodreads?

Firstly, go to the Goodreads website and use the search bar at the top of the page. Type in the name of the author you’re looking for and hit enter. The search results page will display authors, books, and other related content. Look for the specific author you’re interested in and click on their name to access their author profile.

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Pranab Sen is founder and author of Techniquehow.com. He is a full-time blogger, everything that gets published is from Pranab's hand. He likes to be a 'social media geek' since 2011 to understand the problems of readers more deeply and giving the solution through his writing.

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