Home » Match.com » Match.com Search By Name Without Logging In

Match.com Search By Name Without Logging In

Key Points:

» To search for someone on Match.com by their name, go to Google.com and type “site:match.com” followed by the name of the person you’re looking for in the search bar.
» If there is any available profile it will show up in the search results.
» You can also go to the official Match.com website and using search filters, you might be able to find the specific profile you’re searching for.

Match.com Search By Name Without Logging In:

You have the following methods below to find someone on match.com by entering the name:

1. Google Search the Name

Here you can try using Google search to find someone on Match.com. You can directly search using an image or directly do a name search on Google.

🔴 Steps To Follow:

💁🏽‍♂️ For Google.com:

Step 1: First, open the Google.com and enter the details to search.

Step 2: Then, enter the following format: site:match.com_Name and now search for the user.

Step 3: Now, on the search results you will find the matching profiles on match.com.

💁🏽‍♂️ For Image:

Step 1: First, save the person’s profile picture from Match.com.

Step 2: Next, go to a reverse image search engine like Google Images or TinEye.

Google Images

Step 3: Now, upload or drag and drop the saved image into the search bar.

the search bar

So, the search engine will provide you with results showing where the image appears online and look for matches on Match.com to find the person’s profile.

2. On Match.com Website

You can use the official Match.com website to search for someone by name. In this way, you can find the user to help you find their profile and connect with them.

🔴 Steps To Follow:

Step 1: First, go to the Match.com website by visiting www.match.com.

Step 2: Then, find the option to “Join” or “Sign in” on the homepage.

Get Started

Step 3: Click on “Sign In” and enter your Match.com account details or create a new account.

Step 4: Now, you can use the search option on the website to enter the person’s name and find their profile.

You will be able to view the search results and see the profiles of people.

3. Match.com Mobile App

You can use the Match.com mobile app to search for someone by name. On this method, you can search for the name that can help you find the profile.

🔴 Steps To Follow:

Step 1: First, open the Match mobile app on your smartphone.

 Match.com mobile app

Step 2: After that, get started and join on the app.

Step 3: Now, click on “Sign In” with account credentials on the Match app.

Step 4: Now, you can use the search function within the app to enter the person’s name and find their profile.

find their profile

Here, you will find the search results and have access to the profiles of people matching the entered name.

4. Using Advanced Search

You should consider using Match.com’s advanced search to find someone by name.

🔴 Steps To Follow:

Step 1: First of all, sign in to your Match.com account.

log in to your

Step 2: After that, go to the search option on the website or app.

 the search section

Step 3: Now, select the advanced search filters option.

Here, you can input the person’s name in the designated field and adjust other filters like location, age, interests, etc., to narrow down the search results.

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Pranab Sen is founder and author of Techniquehow.com. He is a full-time blogger, everything that gets published is from Pranab's hand. He likes to be a 'social media geek' since 2011 to understand the problems of readers more deeply and giving the solution through his writing.

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