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How To Track A Scammer On Telegram

✎ Key Points:

1. You can identify any scam on Telegram by being cautious of fake links from strangers, as they often mean suspicious activity.

2. You can watch out for poor spelling and urgent messages, which are common red flags that scammers use.

How To Track A Scammer On Telegram:

You have the following option below to track fakes or scams on Telegram:

1. Fake Channel Links Are Misleading

There are many fake channels that mislead users and if you have any doubts about channel links, especially in social media or messaging apps.

You should be cautious and avoid clicking on suspicious links to prevent falling victim to spam or scams.

If you notice a channel link that seems fake, it’s best to report it to the platform and warn others about it.

Also, consider using a link preview tool to check where the link leads before clicking on it.

You can try a few tricks to find a fake Telegram account.

2. Fake job listings

If you see any job listings that seem too good to be true or have vague descriptions.

Here, you should examine the legitimacy of such listings and not provide personal information.

If you notice a fake job listing, report it to the job platform or website where you found it.

Also, reach out to the company directly through their official website to confirm the job posting’s authenticity.

Always trust your intuition and never share sensitive data without verifying the job offer.

3. Friend’s Fake Account

If you receive a friend request or message from someone whom you’re already connected with.

Must verify your friend’s identity before sharing any personal or sensitive information.

If you notice a suspicious request, reach out to your real friend through another channel to confirm their request.

Also, remind your friends to secure their online profiles to prevent impersonation.

4. If Tech Support Approaches you

If you receive unrequested tech support messages or calls claiming to fix issues on your device, this means you should be doubtful and not grant access or provide financial information.

If you notice such scams, consider using anti-malware software to protect your devices.

However, remember that legitimate tech support is initiated by you when you seek assistance for a known issue.

5. Fake Crypto Scams

If you see an offer to invest in cryptocurrencies with promises of high returns, this might be a fake sign.

Educate yourself about cryptocurrency investments and use the most popular exchanges.

Always remember that if it sounds true, be cautious and do your research before investing.


The bottom-line thought is whether it’s spotting fake channel links, job listings, or verifying friend requests, you must be cautious. By staying proactive, you can protect yourself from falling victim to scams on Telegram.

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Pranab Sen is founder and author of Techniquehow.com. He is a full-time blogger, everything that gets published is from Pranab's hand. He likes to be a 'social media geek' since 2011 to understand the problems of readers more deeply and giving the solution through his writing.

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